About Us

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  • Company Presentation

About Us

Company Responsibility

“Corporate responsibility is part of every aspect of our business. In short, operating with integrity is the most important thing we do.”

Ontario Graphite Ltd. is committed to maintaining the viability of our business, the welfare of our employees and the interests of our community. This means that environmental stewardship, commitment to the communities served by the Kearney Mine, commitment to Aboriginal communities and employee safety are fundamental to the operation of our business.

Environmental Stewardship

Ontario Graphite has worked with federal and provincial governments, engineering firms and others to ensure that our environmental practices meet or exceed the requirements of all regulations and that the Mine operates in a manner that safeguards the surrounding environment.

In order to ensure that our Mine operates in an environmentally responsible manner, Ontario Graphite is committed to the following:
  • Meeting or exceeding the requirements of all applicable environmental regulations, approvals, permits and licenses
  • Ensuring that employees are well-trained in environmental best practices and committed to our goal of environmental stewardship
  • Using the best available technologies to ensure that operations are conducted with the smallest possible environmental impact
  • Engaging in an ongoing, transparent, open dialogue about our plans and practices with government, Aboriginal communities and other community stakeholders and employees
  • Completing the robust Closure Plan as submitted to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment upon shutdown of the Mine

Commitment to Community

It is important that the operation of Kearney Mine not only provides benefits to owners of the company but also to our surrounding community. Local residents will help build our employee base and will provide numerous services (direct and indirect) that are essential to our ability to operate.

The Kearney Mine will provide approximately 80 direct full time jobs, and our goal is to fill these positions locally. It is also likely to provide about three times as many spin-off jobs as well as other economic benefits for the region, including increased tax revenues.

We recognize, however, that our responsibility to the community extends beyond the economic benefits of our day-to-day operations. Ontario Graphite has committed to providing financial support for roadway projects in the surrounding area and will look to partner with appropriate community organizations and projects by providing support and encouraging our employees to volunteer in the community.

Aboriginal Communities

Ontario Graphite is committed to working with Aboriginal communities for the mutual benefit of all parties, in relationships of respect, understanding and trust. Ontario Graphite believes that effective engagement of Aboriginal communities is critical in building and maintaining working relationships.

Employee Safety

Our employees will form the backbone of the Ontario Graphite operation. With this in mind, employee well-being and safety will be our highest priority. We commit to:
  • Implementing policies that will minimize risks in the workplace
  • Ensuring that employees are properly trained in the latest safe practices
  • Providing the appropriate resources to track safety performance
  • Continually re-evaluating working conditions in order to implement new policies as needed